This is my final post on our FAMILY campaign starting this Sunday. I hope I've done an adequate job of explaining what the campaign is about, how to be involved and why you should be involved.
If you are part of Calvary Fellowship, I hope you're fully on board for the ride! I also hope you recognize that as beneficial as this is for all of us, there are also many people who do not attend church that really need this too! They need to understand what it means to be a part of God's family and they need His precepts and power to transform their own family.
So, the opportunity we have now is to invite these people to our special kick-off service this Sunday (10/3). We are asking everyone in our church to partner with us to do just that. I understand that sharing our faith is so hard for many, so let me just streamline it into what I'm calling the ABCs of evangelism:
A. AVAILABILITY -First, we simple need to decide that we will be available to God to help share His message with other people. The Bible says, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14, NLT) Being AVAILABLE simply means we are willng to be that "someone" that tells them.
B. BOLDNESS -Just because we make ourselves available to God doesn't mean we aren't afraid! We may have complete willingness and yet still be totally terrified to share our faith. But that doesn't have to stop us! The apostle Paul prayed, “And don’t forget to pray for me. Pray that I’ll know what to say and have the courage to say it at the right time, telling the mystery to one and all, the Message...” (Ephesians 6:19, The Message). If even Paul prayed for boldness to share the gospel, then you and I can and should do the same. We can then move forward trusting God to give us the confidence in Him to be faithful in sharing His message.
C. COMMUNICATION -Essential to sharing our faith is WHAT and HOW we will communicate it. I won't get into communicating the entirety of the gospel here. Instead what we are asking everyone to do in context of our campaign is to extend is a simple invitation to the kick-off service on 10/3. (Consider it a partnership; you bring them to church and we will faithfully bring them the good news!) There are so many ways you can work out the HOW to extend the invitation; here are a few:
- Give them a printed invite card and ask them if they would come with you
- Use Facebook for ministry! (confirm your attendance on the event page, click share to post the invitation on your profile page, click share to send it to people with a private message).
- Give them a call and tell them there is a great speaker from Fort Lauderdale talking about marriage. Invite them to go, and offer to buy them lunch afterwards (generosity goes a long way!)
- Pray and ask God to show you other ways!
The comforting thing about this to me is that we are not responsible for whether or not someone takes advantage of the opportunity, but only for extending it to them. How liberating; the pressure for results is on God!
If you intend to invite someone and you'd like me to pray for boldness for you and receptivity for them, just let me know. You can also pray the same for me because I am planning to ask my neighbors (how awkward if you're reading this) to come too.
Hope to see you (and your peeps) on Sunday!!!
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